Who is Meozzi Mobili
The soul of Meozzi Mobili is a team of dedicated professionals who are passionate about the creation of interior design projects and high quality furnishings for home lovers.
We want the process of furnishing your home to be an extraordinary experience for you, and that the final results will give great joy and satisfaction.
This is why we are committed to continuous improvement and being faithful to the professional values that our company has handed down for four generations.
interior decorator
interior designer
interior decorator
sales support
assembly technician
assembly technician
assembly technician
assembly technician
deliveries and customer support
The Meozzi showroom brings together a vast collection of products which are a careful and rigorous selection of the best Italian and international furniture brands for the home.
The structure stands out for its elegance and comforts: a convenient private parking in front, relaxation space, children's area, bar service and many other services that will make your visit pleasant.
Since 1985, the Meozzi Camerette Showroom has exclusively dedicated its exhibition space to bedrooms for children and teenagers, through the presentation of carefully selected brands.
Our high specialization allows us to offer innovative and sophisticated solutions, which enhance children’s rooms in the home. Not only products but also 360 ° decoration to create stimulating and exciting environments.
The Meozzi family business began as a carpentry shop in the late eighteen hundreds from the creativity and inventiveness of the forefather Giovan Battista Meozzi, and remained so expanding over time, with his son Giuseppe. Upon the early death of the latter, the family business which now had began to sell of furniture, passed into the hands of his three youngest children.
During this phase of strong expansion, the company ran by Bruno, Carlo and Giovan Battista undergoes a sharp change of direction in the mid-1980s. Bruno's untimely death leads the two brothers to abandon the production phase and to specialize in the sale of high quality furniture.
Continuing to successfully follow the path taken by its predecessors the company opened the Meozzi Camerette Center in 1985 in Fighille, a precursor in the times of single-product stores, and in 1987 in Pistrino they inaugurated the new Meozzi showroom. The two brothers came together and take on the lucid, innovative and ambitious spirit of Bruno and over the years, with commitment and determination, they succeed in successfully continuing the path set by their brother.
Today, the fourth generation has already been fully integrated into the company, with Oscar, Marcella, Marco, Alessandro and Riccardo who form together with close collaborators a team of people who love their work and are aspiring to reach goals for the company.
Certificato di garanzia datato 12 aprile 1900, rinvenuto ai giorni nostri dietro un vecchio cassettone
Giuseppe Meozzi (in primo piano) porta in visita le autorità nella sempre più moderna ed aggiornata falegnameria
Bruno Meozzi (secondo da sinistra) brinda con in costruttori, alla gettata del tetto del nuovo complesso produttivo di Fighille
La Tensostruttura innalzata per contenere le migliaia di persone intervenute nella giornata inaugurale